This is an exciting time! I finally got the ROMEO Zero optic to go on my SIG Sauer P365 XL. It had been ordered from Optics Planet in August of last year. I must say, it looks spanky! The texture on the sides of the optic match perfectly with the texture on the grip module. I am very pleased!

If you’ve added an optic to your carry gun, you may have to get a new holster, or alter the one you have. I like a good kydex paddle style that I can quickly remove when visiting a non-permissive environment. The top of the holster, which covers the slide is probably going to be too long to allow the pistol to lock into the trigger guard, because the optic is in the way. A little Dremel tool magic and you’re off to the races.

If you haven’t added an optic to your carry gun, now may be the time. Some shooters have offered a few reasons why they don’t want an optic. I’d like to address some of these objections.
- The battery! That’s the first objection I normally hear. “What if that battery goes out at just the wrong time? Then what?” My response? It’s a window. Look through the window and take the shot. I’m thinking we’re talking about a self-defense scenario with this objection. At striking distance, I don’t need any sights to hit my target. My natural and habitual point of aim will do the job. You can try this yourself by turning off the optic. As for battery life, most good optics have batteries that last for two or three years. The latest trick is the optic powers down if the firearm doesn’t move for 10 minutes or so, which saves even more battery life. I’ve been shooting with optics (Trijicon RMR) for over ten years now and by routinely changing batteries on my birthday each year, I’ve never, not even once, had an optic fail. That’s batteries or any other malfunction.
- Can’t find the dot! Actually, if you can’t find the dot immediately, we have a different problem. If you can bring a handgun on target from the holster without having to adjust to “find” or “tweak” your iron sight picture, then you’ll be looking right at that dot. Every time. It does take practice to STOP focusing on the front sight. 16-time Bianchi Cup Champion Doug Koenig says, “Using an optic is faster because you only have one focal plane and your eyes are not jumping back and forth between the front and rear sights. Just put the dot on the target.” In 1990, Koenig was the first to win the Bianchi Cup with a humongous optic bolted to the top of his pistol. It weighed over a pound with the mounts and sat three inches above the bore axis! Times have changed. Smaller, lighter, faster… Every winner since 1990 has used an optic. If your eyes are getting old, now is the time.
- Too bulky to hide! I’ve never had a problem with the optic printing when concealed. I’m more concerned about the butt of the pistol.
- I’ll forget how to shoot with irons! Really? When is the last time you rode a bicycle??
You’re welcome to try some of my pistols with optics, if you’re near by. I have the ROMEO One on my P320 X-Carry and the new Trijicon SRO on my GLOCK 45.
I’ve had a lot of requests for training aids while sheltering at home. Here are some of my favorites. In most cases, Amazon can get you dry-fire practicing in about two or three days. Lasers are a great training tool. There are several ways to get started.
- Get a laser cartridge in your handgun’s caliber. It is pushed into the barrel and the o-ring stops it from moving. The firing pin/striker hits the back of the laser round which “fires” a short laser burst. These laser bursts can be seen with the naked eye as well as by some of the cool hardware/software below. These devices allow you to train with your own firearm and your own trigger. The downside is you have to rack the slide after each shot. They cost anywhere from $40 to $100 each. - Get a laser trainer pistol. The grand kids love these. It’s plastic. It does not weigh the same as your pistol. It does not have the same trigger. However, it’s certainly safe, since it cannot fire (like your pistol can, if you make a mistake). For about $100, it’s easier to train than finding that laser cartridge and racking all the time. - Get a SIRT pistol. Shot Indicating Resetting Trigger. I’s a laser pistol, just like the one above, but it’s identical to your handgun in weight and trigger. These cost anywhere from $400 to $500, but they are top of the line.
Add some hardware or software for some variety.
- LaserLyte Plinking Cans. These are too much fun. They’re little soda cans. When you hit them with the laser, they fall down. Grand kids go nuts.
- LaserLyte Steel Tyme. It’s like hitting steel targets. You can turn the sound off, if someone’s still sleeping. 😊
- LaserLyte Quick Tyme Trainer Target. Simple target, nice practice.
- LaserLyte Trainer Target Score Tyme with Point of Impact Display. Love this one, but it’s expensive.
- L.A.S.R software (Laser Activated Shot Reporter) Requires a Windows computer, but it’s great.
- LASR X runs on just about anything, including your iPad or iPhone.
See you at the range!